What’s Your Favorite “Game Changer”?

I am from Pune. Praising someone doesn’t come naturally to me. By the way, the first and the second line had no connection. I did not use “And hence…” or “So”. So don’t jump to conclusion about Punekars based on my second line. "Praise, like gold and diamonds, owes its value only to its scarcity"... Continue Reading →

Interesting forwards on Valuation

I received a series of interesting forwards on Valuation of companies. It shows how markets reward future growth over the steady and stagnant growth. Valuation, Jan 2017: Snapchat: $25 billion Viacom: $17 billion Valuation, Jan 2014: Viacom: $37 billion Snapchat: $3 billion Facebook valuation in 2007: $15 billion (after Microsoft investment) Facebook's valuation in 2017:... Continue Reading →

Memories…Only memories

उसने टाइप किया आई मिस यू एंड डिलीट फिर टाइप किया स्टिल लव यू एंड डिलीट फिर टेक केयर लिखा और सेंड कर दिया रिप्लाई आया: यू टू #छोटीसीकहानी “I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then.” ― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland Read some old emails between 14th Feb... Continue Reading →

A sarcastic take on eCommerce start-ups

I received the following sarcastic write-up on WhatsApp about the eCommerce start-ups that are burning VC money. Thought of sharing. It summarizes the problem precisely! I've got a BIG eCommerce idea that will dwarf Flipkart and Amazon together. I'm going to sell CASH. At a discount of 15%. Consumers can buy cash at a discount... Continue Reading →

Corporate restructuring, mumbo jumbo and Metrics

My organization is undergoing "yet another" corporate restructuring. It happens so frequently that I think it is one of the deliverable or KPIs of the top management - every year they would announce some "significant corporate restructuring" to make the organization "lean, agile and responsive". CEO announced organizational changes in a long email and said that his... Continue Reading →

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